"...from two thousand sqft to two million sqft and everything in between!"

Northfleet, Kent

Instructed as lead masterplanner and planning application coordinator for the redevelopment of a former 10 hectare quarry along the Thames. Working through numerous site constraints and interacting with various land owners, residential developers, and other invested groups was a challenge we were more than equal to.

Aylesford Quarry, Kent

Developer and agent led development of a 62 hectare quarry and lake in semi-rural Kent. Our brief was to help ascertain the investment efficiency of an industrial / office development in comparison to a residential scheme, through our industrial masterplanning expertise. To be considered as part of the design, were local site constraints such as the presence of ancient woodland, listed buildings, protected species and part land reclamation of the water body itself. We were commissioned to design a mixture of unit sizes and proportions that would attract a spread of occupier requirements. Terrace units, small and mid-box, up to large cross docked units and stand-alone offices were all part of the final masterplan.

Industrial Estate, Erith

Redevelopment of an 8.5 hectare industrial brownfield site, bordered by established and occupied industrial buildings, residential housing, protected habitat and locally listed existing structures. Sensitive demolition and retention of historic building materials were to be utilised within the proposed buildings. Examples included yellow London brick and ornate Victorian structural ironwork.

Industrial Estate, Loughborough

Part redevelopment of a 70 hectare city site, with historic value in the local community. Sensitive demolition and retention of historic building gables and roof lines – combining with new and innovative architecturally designed units, which complimented their surroundings and were able to satisfy the needs of up-to-date logistics occupiers.

Industrial Estate, South London

Redevelopment of an industrial site in Greater London. Careful consideration of levels and ground conditions formed a major part of this project, together with a requirement for enhancement of inadequate industrial and yard space. Paramount to its success as a modern industrial development was its clever and innovative use of the existing space, in order to create buildings that were both lettable and comfortably seated within their immediate context.


+44 (0)7384 462970


Kühlhaus Industrial & Logistics Architecture

Squires View, Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5FX, United Kingdom

Kühlhaus Industrial & Logistics Architecture

Squires View, Long Bennington, Newark,

Nottinghamshire, NG23 5FX, United Kingdom

+44 (0)7384 462970
